It was quite by chance and I must admit I've since calmed myself down. In fact I didn't realize it until it happened. I'm willing to bet something similar has happened to you and only b/c there isn't a clear way to communicate the concept -- most of us pass through several emotions not realizing that yes you've been Sci-Fi'd too.
I'm currently reading a book by Michael Crichton one of my favorite authors called "Timeline" -- the book is about the convergence of technologies in the field of Quantum Physics, and problems that arise out of time travel. What I especially love about Michael Crichton is that as a trained medical doctor he uses his understanding of science and biology to create thrillers and connects the dots in such a perfect way that as a lay person I never know if he even made something up. To me, I forget that he' s a novelist and sometimes for entertainment willingly accept some of what he is proposing. In "Timeline" a company has developed the ability to do "Trekky Travel." Yes having their molecular composition transported from Point A to Point B. "Trekky Travel" premiered on TV some 30 years ago, and was performed in simulated outer space with fancy costumes, filmed in elaborate TV/Movie Studio sets, it was easy to be entertained and let yourself make believe. What is somewhat scary about this book is this is clearly a concept we are not too far away from and the storyline takes place here in the US and pretty much the same period as we're living now.
Space Travel for us civilians will take place in most of our lifetimes -- time to get seriously Sci-Fi'd. A blogger friend of mine upon first being introduced told me -- matter of factly -- she is currently booked on Richard Branson's, Virgin Galactic, Space Plane. Talk about being Sci-Fi'd -- What do you say to that? "Send me a postcard, bring me back something -- What do you mean like what? -- surely there is at least a Wal-Mart there right?"
Still don't know what I'm talking about?
To be Sci-Fi'd is to do something or to experience something that only a few years ago seemed not only improbable -- you would never have thought to ask about it.
This morning I spent sometime interviewing new phone companies for telecom service for Berkshire Grain, a new business interest. Since we don't have any offices and our partners are spread out in different cities the question is where do you setup an office and why. We each have our own offices already, and since we're indirectly involved in the manufacturing and shipping of our products, we have no equipment or dedicated inventory warehouse space, our administrative support and bookkeeping is handled likewise by 3rd parties -- so where would you put the office and why? By now you might be thinking so why am I talking to phone companies -- without offices where would the phones go.
Welcome to the Virtual Business World. Everyone has had occasion to call a consumer electronics, software or an appliance company and even though you may have bought your product at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, or Small Town Main Street Appliances the call is promptly answered in the usual robotic form prompting you to press this key or that, and generally within 10 seconds to 5 minutes you get connected to someone "Virtually" anywhere in the world -- it doesn't really matter -- unless of course there is a terrible language barrier -- hang up and just try again.
Convergent Technologies helps turn independent discoveries into complex solutions like some cars with integrated communications have the ability to not only answer a cell call from the touch of a button on your steering wheel, the system knows to turn the volume of your MP3 player down automatically. So imagine my amazement to find a company Aptela that will dedicate a toll-free phone number on their "Virtual PBX" (digital phone switchboard) and allow you to call us at Berkshire Grain and be prompted to dial my extension or my other business partners extension and be connected directly to us -- on our existing phones -- all without wires, no installer, no additional equipment............wait there is more I can conference, or transfer you to my partner in NYC, or California, or Amsterdam, Rio, anywhere in the world......all by just dialing his extension.
Not only didn't I not know such a thing existed before doing some research on the internet, after talking to my new friend at Aptela I felt good all over. I immediately called my friend signed up to travel in outer space and told her................I've just been Sci-Fi'd. Our new phone system will be in place, somewhere, in 2 weeks -- I just don't know where -- call me though.
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