Just the other I was talking abt the flu shot and how for the last few years I haven't gotten one -- maintained some good wellness practices, and never got the flu, while last year the flu ravaged through the US -- like a "Wild Fire in California" -- while I'm not telling anyone not to get a flu shot -- just read the info for yourself and form your own opinion.
Trust and Honor on the Internet
There is a link down at the bottom of the article giving credit to the original author -- in her blog she had listings for products one of which claimed to be a free trial for a meditation program -- so what do you think I did, well against my own better judgement I submitted my name and email address and pressed enter -- very trusting or stupid? It was one of those emotional moments the blogger and advertiser were hoping would happen often. This time I got away easy, w/o any malicious code being dumped onto my computer -- after reading through the whole blah..blah..claims and testimonials and at the bottom of the long drawn out page -- I discover that the creator of the meditation pays bloggers to drive traffic to his sight..............Moral -- as savvy as you think you are abt the net -- make sure your PC Security Software is current.
While I'm not telling you not to get a Flu Shot..........I will tell you that I'm not a Doctor, nor have I slept in a Holiday Inn recently.